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Showing posts from March 6, 2011

From The Writer's Almanac for 3/8/2011

Today is  International Women's Day, which has been celebrated in the United States, Russia,  and parts of Europe since the turn of the 20th  century. It was during this holiday in 1917 that women workers in Russia left  factories and took to the streets to protest food shortages. When Czar Nicholas  II ordered the military to intervene, they did not. Shortly afterward, he  abdicated, and shortly after that, women in Russia  were given the right to vote, three years before women in the U.S.  International Women's Day is celebrated in 28 countries and  recognized by the United Nations.

Of Intolerance...

Good Morning! The link below is an article you may find of interest - I found it while thinking about some photos I saw awhile back on the Internet that disturbed me...friends [yes, actually] of mine posted photos of themselves dressed as Jesus [various "forms" of Jesus] in what was certainly meant to be a mockery of often seems to me that we are getting farther away from religious tolerance in the USA, not some ways I salute the spirit of the persons in the article linked below because they are using their freedom of speech to assert their views...I welcome that...but inflammatory things [like the photos I mentioned] seem pointed in the wrong direction...what to do about religious tolerance?